
Dapoxetine is the substance name for the popular premature ejaculation medical treatment known as Priligy.

It is the only medication currently available to treat premature ejaculation.

While it is not a cure, it is the best way to get your confidence back if you have suffered from premature ejaculation for a long time. You can use it a few times to last longer, and then use other natural methods to regain full control of your orgasm.

It is available as Priligy or in generic form – sometimes known as ‘Dapoxetine HCI’, POXET, or Dapoxetine Hydochloride.

It works by reduces the amount of serotonin available in the nervous system, which reduces the urge to ejaculate. In clinical trials, many participants reported lasting 3-5 times longer than normal.

If you are interested in buying generic dapoxetine, please see the page I created about Generic Dapoxetine or this one about Buying Generic Priligy Online.